In addition to an endless supply of stunning locations and experienced crew and talent, the Telluride Film Commission strives to offer other incentives to film in the Telluride region:
Easy and Affordable Permitting Process
Competitive Location Fees
Discounted Lodging
Discounts on Production Supplies
To take advantage of these incentives, please
contact us.
Colorado Tax Incentives:
Please visit the Colorado Film Commission's
website for information on the Colorado Film Incentive Program.
Responding to the film community's demand for more in-state production, Governor John Hickenlooper and Colorado lawmakers created House Bill 12-1286 in July 2012. The new legislation improved Colorado's existing film incentive law, increasing the performance based rebate from 10% to 20%, and created a new and unique loan guarantee program. The Colorado Film Office can also offer additional benefits to bonded feature films.